Where to Why
Rapa Nui
June 07, 2020 by Philippe, 4 minute read time
Rapa Nui, more commonly known as Easter island, is on the of the most remote inhabited islands in the world. Oral tradition claims that the island was originally settled around 1200 AD when a Polynesian colony took to the seas to flee from a neighbouring chief.
The Other Amazon
June 01, 2020 by Catherine, 6 minute read time
The Amazon is the topic of a million school projects, a thousand charity fundraisers, hundreds of government deals and treaties. People around the world are familiar with this vast rainforest ecosystem and the exotic animals that dwell there. But how familiar are we with our fellow human inhabitants of the jungle?
May 24, 2020 by Mark, 10 minute read time
Tuvalu. Truthfully most people would struggle to pinpoint it on a map. And fair enough. It is officially the least visited place on earth with just 2,000 international visitors in 2017, and only one flight arriving in the country every three days.
May 23, 2020 by James, 4 minute read time
If you’ve ever crossed an international border, you’ve visited the country of Elgaland – Vargaland. When you pass from sleep to wakefulness, you will go via Elgaland – Vargaland. When you die, you automatically become a citizen of Elgaland – Vargaland.
April 23, 2020 by Catherine, 7 minute read time
Did you know theres an independent state entirely surrounded by Italy? And no it’s not the Vatican City. And it’s not San Marino either.
April 23, 2020 by Philippe, 3 minute read time
In 1968, British workmen servicing a navigational buoy off the South East Coast of England were threatened by warning shots, fired from a decommissioned naval sea fort. The case was brought to the courts in England on firearms charges but could not proceed as the fort was beyond the 3 – nautical mile limit of country waters, and therefore was outside British territorial limits.